Underwater Bioinspired Robots Conference

This conference is about exploring new technologies for underwater robots that mimic aquatic animals, such as fish, octopuses, and jellyfish. We aim to create bioinspired robots that can interact safely and adaptively with complex and dynamic environments, and humans. These robots can enhance marine exploration, conservation, and knowledge about our oceans to protect them.

November 21st

November 22nd



This conference will bring together researchers, engineers, and students from academia to share their latest findings and discuss the current challenges and opportunities in soft robotics and underwater bioinspired robots.

The conference will also foster networking and collaboration among the participants and the partners.




The conference will take place on November 21st – 22nd, 2024, CEHIPAR INTA, located in the city of Madrid, in Spain. The conference venue is the Auditorium of the INTA, which can accommodate up to 100 attendees. The venue is equipped with state-of-the-art audiovisual and wireless facilities, and has access to nearby parking and public transportation.